Development Area 11
Human Development Centre is working in Toba Tek Singh since 1990. Action Aid
Islamabad is one of the partners of HDC to support the activities and programs. Action Aid works with the CBOs, NGOs on the
long and short-term basis. Where Action Aid Islamabad works on long-term basis, it is called Development Area. At the moment, Action Aid Pakistan is working with 18 organizations through the country. Human Development Centre
is one of the DA and its number is DA 11. The vision of the Action Aid is poverty eradication and promotion of education.
DA 11 is working on the same lines to promote education and eradicate poverty through different activities and program.
Food Rights/Security/Farmers&
Four Para-vets trainings have been conducted and 52 participants came to attend these trainings. These
programs were held in different places,: Chak No. 331 GB, at a local Hotel in Toba Tek Singh. Dr. Tahir Raza was the resource
One Demonstration farm has been established in Chak No.
291, Lahorain. Mr. Muhammad Yasin is the owner of the land. This farm is not that successful because irrigation water is not
sufficient. The land is saline and it is not fit for the crops. The land units are too smalls (2-4 acres) and the farmers
do not agree to make any experiment. The use of fertilizers and chemicals in the past has affected the land badly and affects
the yield.
56 women have started kitchen gardening in their homes; these women have grown vegetables and small plants.
This kitchen gardening is contributing to help improve the financial condition of the family and also keeping women busy and
involved in a productive activity.
One Awareness training program on genetic engineering in food and farming was arranged for the grass
roots community at Green Plus Pir Mahal
Toba Tek Singh. 40 Women from target
areas participated in this training program.
Formal And Non Forma Education
Three Teacher Rights Based training programs were conducted for the private and government school teachers.
87 teachers (55 females and 27 males) participated in these training programs. Teachers training programs were held in Chak
No. 295 Barianwala Toba Tek Singh, Chak No. 331 Toba Tek Singh and Gojra. The contents of the trainings were HRs, Education,
Interfaith Harmony and peace building, Citizenship education, conflict resolution and Child friendly School methods.
Two Exposure programs for 35 teachers and students were arranged in Faisalabad
and Kamalia. The teachers and students visited the different schools in Kamalia and Fasialabad. They observed teaching and
learning methods of teachers. They also shared their experiences, problems and opportunities to improve the standard of education.
Five Parents/Teachers/Students meetings have been conducted in Govt. Primary School Chak No. 291 Lahorianwala,
St. Teresa Primary School Barianwala, St. Peters High School Toba Tek Singh, Shaheen Public School Toba Tek Singh and Child
Friendly School Teachers. 120 students/parents/teachers participated in these meetings. They shared problems and experiences
regarding the education of the students. They also gave suggestions for the improvement of education.
Three Evening Classes have been held for selected students in Toba Tek Singh integrating the school curriculum
with the social issues. 35-40 students were invited for each class. The contents of the evening classes were teaching through
games, general knowledge, social issues, and presentation of interactive theatre and role plays, personality development and
character building and promotion of values.
Five Gender promotion seminars were organized to promote gender balance in Toba Tek Singh. 230 women
and men attended these programs. The resource persons talked about the importance of role of the women in different sphere
of life. Women who have played significant and vital role in the development of the people and marginalized people were invited
and they shared their experiences.
Four Meetings were conducted with the Government Officials. In these meetings, people from the community
were also invited to share their problems. In these meetings, participatory methods were used. Government officers shared
the development schemes and community asked different questions and got the clarification. Community members from the village
organizations brought the matters of corruption and misuse of funds in to the notice of the district government officials.
Four discussion meetings were held with the youth in Toba Tek Singh and Gojra.
The purpose of these meetings was to provide them opportunity to share what role they can play in the present and changing
world. It was also discussed how the globalization is affecting young people in the world.
Four seminars/workshops were organized on the issue of human rights in the villages. The contents of
these seminars were Labor Laws, Situation of sanitary worker, brick kiln workers, women issues, and Child rights. 280 people
from DA 11 target areas were invited. Two victims were invited to share their
cases. Brick kiln workers were invited and they shared their struggled for their rights and went on strike to increase their
Two Leadership training programs with local leaders, farmers and HR activist were held in Gojra and Toba
Tek Singh. The purpose of these leadership trainings was to equip leaders with skills and techniques to work in the community
in a better way. The salient features and characteristics of good leaders were told to the participants.
HDC organized programs on equal citizenship rights and participation of
the community in the governance in the villages of Toba Tek Singh. 70 people were invited. In a workshop the role of the communities
in the democratic process and governance was highlighted. The need to recognize the right of the community in the matters
of the local government was demanded.
· A
consultation was organized on the topic of the role of religious minorities in the development of the country. Tabasum Shahzad,
advocate, addressed the participants of the program. He said the religious minorities played a vital role in the struggle
of Pakistan. He talked about role of S P Singha, Jogindar Nath Mandel etc. He said that religious minorities should have the equal rights in the country
as they are able to play very vital role in the development of the society as they have played their role in education and
health sectors. Religious minorities belong to this homeland.
He mentioned especially the role of the religious in the
defense of the country, in particular he highlighted the role of Group Captain (retired) Cecil Chaudhry.
· Four meetings were organized
with the professors, lawyers, journalists etc to increase their role in the development of the society in Toba Tek Singh,
Gojra, Jhang and Faisalabad. It was
discussed in these meetings that journalists, teachers, lawyers, religious leaders, poets and writers etc can play their role
in the transformation of the society. Unluckily the young opinion makers do not have role models around them and thus are
unable to educate the society. Their role is very important but they need orientation on the issues based on human values
and equal rights for all. Fifty opinion makers participated in these programs.
· HDC organized four programs
with the councilors and Nazims for their role and responsibilities. 30 Union Councilors and 20 Tehsil councilors and 8 district
councilor were invited to attend the seminars.
· Four programs were organized
on Political Education for lady councilors in Toba Tek Singh. The purpose of the programs was to educate women about the procedure
of the assembly session and rules and regulations of the assembly sessions because most of the women are new and they do not
have any political background and experience in politics. The Hadood Ordinance was discussed in particular to form the opinion
of the councilors against the inhuman implementation of the ordinance against women.
· HDC held meetings with NGOs,
and CBOs working in the DA 11 target areas. HDC invited these organizations to cooperate with HDC in the areas so that with
the joint venture, development work may start on very effective basis. HDC told the CBOs that should be clear in its missions
and visions and orientation. CBOs should focus on one issue and work on it. Once they are clear in what they do they can do
durable and effective work for the people and society. HDC assured the
organizations that HDC can provide training to this organization on the different topics. HDC will also try to find resource
for these organizations.